
Showing posts from June, 2024

Kelvin Clayton, Chris Loder, Ed Morello and Marcus White (West Dorset) - Hustings - 4th July 2024 Election

  An on-line husting was held and a question was submitted by Women of Dorset.  Listen from 1:01:40 for the candidates responses to our question on the Cass Review:- West Dorset Husting

Gary Jackson (North Dorset) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

  Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Gary Jackson (Lib Dem) - North Dorset. To Women of Dorset ,   Thank you for contacting me with your concerns relating to sex-based rights and safeguarding of women.   Liberal Democrat policy in this area is set out in the relevant section of our manifesto manifesto  and I would encourage you to consult this in the first instance.   You rightly say that this is a particularly busy time. It is not possible for me, therefore, to consider in detail and respond to the matter you have raised. If I am elected to represent North Dorset, I shall be in a position to pay due attention to the points you have raised.    Women of Dorset  will then also have every opportunity to contact me further on this or any other topic.   Thank you again for getting in touch.   Yours sincerely,   Gary Jackson Parl

Tom Hayes (Bournemouth East) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is, via a third party, a response from Tom Hayes (Labour) - Bournemouth East. Thank you for your email and please accept my apologies that you didn't receive a reply earlier. Unlike Tobias Ellwood who has a full team of staff paid for via the Parliament staff allowance, as a candidate, I rely entirely on a team of volunteers, many of whom are supporting me around full time jobs and caring responsibilities.  The election announcement took us somewhat by surprise and it's only been in the last few weeks when I've had a volunteer dedicated to ensuring that correspondence is answered. I apologise that your email arrived in the period when I had no support and started receiving 150 emails a day, and it slipped through the net. If I am elected to Parliament, I will have the ability to employ staff to help me manage correspondence.  

Kieron Wilson (Bournemouth East) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024

  Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is, via a third party, a response from Kieron Wilson (Indp) - Bournemouth East. Hi Apologies for missing the first couple, the volume of emails I have received over this campaign has been so overwhelming. This is a subject that I have for a while now tried to teach myself more about, a lot of which by talking to those who feel strongly about the issue. Being a male, it’s one of the few issues I have no experience in.  Though I can certainly appreciate the difference between gender and sex. And understand how important it is, particularly in the medical setting to assure no confusion or mistakes occur.  I would seek to uphold the the equality act enshrined in law, and by making sure that it is clear and consistently applied so that a case like that of the nurses recently shouldn’t have to take legal action against their hospital.  And ha

Lloyd Hatton (South Dorset) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is, via a third party, a response from Lloyd Hatton (Labour) - South Dorset. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I hope this answers each of your questions fully. I want to find a way forward which always upholds existing legislation - including the provisions for single sex spaces and services as set out in the Equality Act. And a path forward which also supports Trans people as one of the most marginalised communities in the UK. Which I'm sure we both agree is the constructive approach needed. In respect of the Cass Report, the Labour Party supports the review and its findings, and if elected, I will work with an incoming Labour Government here. Labour's manifesto has put forward proposals to introduce a conversion therapy ban, this is a long-standing commitment which an incoming Labour Government hopes to implement and

Andrei Dragotoniu (Poole) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Andrei Dragotoniu (Reform UK) - Poole. Hello, Women of Dorset! I still find it hard to believe that some cannot define a woman, in 2024. Don't worry, I know what a woman is, I married one! I also have two daughters and I will always fight for their rights to safe spaces or safe sports just for women. If I get elected, I am more than happy to meet with you and see how I can support you. Thank you, Andrei

Jessica Toale (Bournemouth West), Tom Hayes (Bournemouth East) and Joanna Howard (Christchurch and East Dorset) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

  Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Jessica Toale (Labour) - Bournemouth West, Tom Hayes (Labour) - Bournemouth East and Joanna Howard (Labour) - Christchurchand East Dorset . Dear Women of Dorset, Thank you for your email and questions. As candidates we are proud of the Labour Party’s record of progress on equality, from the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975 to the Equality Act in 2010. The next Labour government will build on the progress that has been made in the past by addressing today’s challenges, making hatred against women a hate crime, acting on the gender pay gap and maternity discrimination, and modernising the law on gender recognition whilst protecting spaces for biological women. One of our missions for the country at this election is to break down barriers to opportunity for all, ensuring that everyone is treated with

Robert Syms (Poole) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Robert Syms (Conservative) - Poole. Dear Women of Dorset,  I think there are men and women and there is no other group as people are born to one or the other at birth.  I would fully implement the Cass Review, have real concerns about banning conversion therapy as an attack on free speech.  I believe women and girls deserve ‘safe’ spaces and that nobody else should be able to define themselves in a way which threatens this. Robert Syms Conservative Candidate for Poole

Miles Penn (Bournemouth East) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

  Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Miles Penn (Social Democratic Party) - Bournemouth East. Women of Dorset,  Firstly thank you for getting in touch with me, sex based rights are something I’m very passionate about because frankly biology is immutable. My stance is in line with that of the SDP - which can be found here: policies/transgender-and- biological-sex-based-rights/   - but as a courtesy here are my answers to the questions you’ve posed: What is your definition of a woman?  An adult human Female.   When it comes to policymaking on sex and gender issues, the key areas for the next government will be education and health. In these departments, and right across government, the solutions will be sex-based language, clear rules and data collected on the objective reality of sex, not subjective “gender identity”.    Do you ag

Leanne Barnes (Poole) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

  Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Leanne Barnes (UK Independence Party) - Poole. Good evening, Thank you for your email. I'm sure you know how I feel about this issue from my Twitter (@leannespurs) account/feed, but more than happy to clarify. I wholeheartedly agree with every question you ask of me, and my definition of a woman is this: an adult female human being. "If men are women, then there is no such thing a woman!" Best Wishes, Leanne Barnes

Sir Christopher Chope (Christchurch) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

  Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Sir Christopher Chope (Conservative) - Christchurch. Dear Women of Dorset, Thank you for your email of 4 th  June.   I very much agree with the need to clarify the definition of sex in the Equality Act.  Indeed, I am very pleased that the Conservative Party has included a commitment to do just this in their General Election Manifesto.   With regard to your other questions, I shall be happy to discuss these with any of your members resident in the Christchurch constituency with whom you can put me in contact and I look forward to doing this.   With best wishes, Chris Chope  Sir Christopher Chope OBE Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Christchurch 

Ash Leaning (North Dorset) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Ash Leaning (Reform UK) - North Dorset. Dear Women of Dorset, Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, I've been instructed by Reform UK to not take pledges from lobbying groups as it causes 'infighting' within the party. However, I am allowed to state that I fully agree with your cause 'in my opinion'. My apologies for any confusion. All the best. Yours sincerely, Ash Leaning.

Julie Vivienne (Bournemouth West) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Julie Vivienne (Christian Peoples Alliance) - Bournemouth West. Dear Women of Dorset, Thank you so much for contacting me about this very important issue. As both a woman and a mother these questions are very important ones to me personally.  I   am a  committed Christian and in the CPA we follow the teaching of The Lord  Jesus in the Bible. Jesus Christ was very clear that "In the beginning God made male and female." When asked a question about washing hands he replied, " whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body?   But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.   For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.   These are what defile a person." What is transla

Martin Houlden (Bournemouth East) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Martin Houlden (Reform UK) - Bournemouth East. Dear Women of Dorset I saw your email pop in last night, and assumed it was probably another automated campaign email asking me to sign up. Then I started to read it… and I started to smile. I continued reading it, and it made me even happier. How wonderful it is to finally receive email from a sensible, non-woke group of people who are looking for an MP with some common sense values. Thank you, it really did lift my spirits and make me realise that all hope is not lost! (Apologies for over-dramatisation!) I was going to go through and reply to your points one-by-one, but there’s really no point. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you put there, and I’m happy to publicly say I stand by you and the aims of your campaign. However it’s probably worth me making a couple o

David Warden (Bournemouth West) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from David Warden (Social Democratic Party) - Bournemouth West. Dear Women of Dorset Thank you for your email.  I define a woman as an adult human female. At the same time I believe that adult transgender people who have made an informed, considered and serious decision to live their lives in the style or persona of the opposite sex, in order to relieve gender dysphoria,  should be treated with respect, kindness and dignity and that society can make reasonable accommodations on this basis. I believe that the Gender Recognition Act of 2004 probably got the balance about right but of course we can always reconsider legislation in the light of experience.  In general, I agree with all the points you make in your email but would always welcome discussion and debate in a spirit of respectful dialogue.  Thank you for writing and

Matt Bell (South Dorset) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Matt Bell (Lib Dem) - South Dorset. Good evening Liberal Democrats  seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community. We champion the freedom, dignity and well-being of every individual, and we reject all forms of prejudice and discrimination. We are committed to tackling violence by men against women and girls, which is far too prevalent in our society. We have been campaigning hard for misogyny to be made a hate crime; for the Government to ratify the Istanbul Convention and uphold internationally-agreed standards for preventing violence against women and supporting survivors; to improve age-appropriate sex and relationship education in schools; and to ensure better training and more resources for police, prosecutors and judges – so survivors are listened to and supported, criminals are puni

Richard Drax (South Dorset) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Below is the response from Richard Drax (Conservative) - South Dorset. Answers for Women of Dorset from Richard Drax, candidate for South Dorset Women of Dorset was established to protect women’s  sex based rights & safeguarding in Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. We're an eclectic mix of women who believe that a woman is an adult human female and that:- the law allows for single sex services and most people want to them but they are under attack; organisations and staff are afraid even though everyone knows the difference between male and female; language has become a battleground and everyone is walking on egg shells; no one wants to be the one to tell someone that their sense of gender identity cannot override rules that protect the safety, fairness and dignity of everyone. Confusion makes services less inclusive and less