Kieron Wilson (Bournemouth East) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024


Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

Below is, via a third party, a response from Kieron Wilson (Indp) - Bournemouth East.


Apologies for missing the first couple, the volume of emails I have received over this campaign has been so overwhelming.

This is a subject that I have for a while now tried to teach myself more about, a lot of which by talking to those who feel strongly about the issue. Being a male, it’s one of the few issues I have no experience in. 

Though I can certainly appreciate the difference between gender and sex. And understand how important it is, particularly in the medical setting to assure no confusion or mistakes occur. 

I would seek to uphold the the equality act enshrined in law, and by making sure that it is clear and consistently applied so that a case like that of the nurses recently shouldn’t have to take legal action against their hospital. 

And having read the executive summary of the CASS review, I would be supportive of the recommendations being brought forward, as predominantly it is about making sure our children get the right care and support they need. 

I hope this is helpful, 



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