Julie Vivienne (Bournemouth West) - Response to Questions - 4th July 2024 Election

Women of Dorset have contacted all those standing in the eight constituencies that cover Dorset, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

Below is the response from Julie Vivienne (Christian Peoples Alliance) - Bournemouth West.

Dear Women of Dorset,

Thank you so much for contacting me about this very important issue. As both a woman and a mother these questions are very important ones to me personally. 

I am a committed Christian and in the CPA we follow the teaching of The Lord  Jesus in the Bible. Jesus Christ was very clear that "In the beginning God made male and female." When asked a question about washing hands he replied, "whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person." What is translated "sexual immorality" here is the Greek "porneia" which means all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman.  

I believe that in our  schools children should be taught Christian values at the very  least as being  an option for their lives. Children should be taught that  they have the option of saving themselves sexually until they get married and that  Biblical Christian marriage is between one  man and one woman.

New Age teaching is that you can have sex with whoever you want whenever you want as long as you wear a condom. Christians believe that this  is harmful and leads to the breakdown of society.  Society is much stronger following Christian norms. New Age teaching is also that there are many different genders and you can choose what gender you want to be. Christians believe that God created human beings in His own image and that they are created either as male or female. There are no other genders and to say that there are more  is contrary to both Biblical teaching and to  science.

Education is about teaching children different points of view. Too much education now is New Age propaganda and not an education at all but rather indoctrination . Children should be encouraged to think for themselves , to question, to debate and  to reach their own conclusions, opinions  and beliefs without fear or intimidation.

It is within this context that I answer your specific questions.  

1)  A woman is an adult female human being in a biologically  female body.

2 )  I believe sex education  should always be age appropriate and is therefore not for young primary school children. Gender identity has no place being taught to our children. All forms of sex education in our schools should be age appropriate and never a  form of indoctrination.

3)  Yes the CPA and I personally am utterly opposed to any puberty blockers being prescribed to children and socially transitioning in schools should be stopped immediately. Clarity of sex is essential for everyone . CPA  policy is that puberty blockers should be banned and that it should be illegal to give them to children.

 4)  Yes any plans to ban "conversion therapy" should be stopped.. Open discussion and guidance is an essential part of being human .  Anyone  should have a right to say they have unwanted homosexual attraction or unwanted gender dysphoria and be able to receive  help.  The idea such people should be banned from getting help and anyone who helps them could be convicted of a crime is utter nonsense. In fact it is evil.

5)  Yes I agree that the safety of women has been seriously undermined and this "gender fluid" approach to public facilities such as toilets and changing rooms is extremely  dangerous and wrong.

6)  Yes I totally agree with everything you have said here.

7)  Yes I agree. I and the CPA  utterly oppose all gender self ID .

8)  Yes I agree. Of course one's biological sex is always relevant in health care and I utterly oppose the placing of trans men into womens' prisons. A trans man is NOT a woman. 

9)  Yes , the biological gender of a person at their birth, either male or female, is what should be registered.

10)  Absolutely yes. In all sports women should not be forced to be competing against someone who has the biological body of a man. Whatever that person may  choose to call themselves, the male body is very different from the female body and that is just an obvious scientific fact.

11)  Yes I agree that there must be much more action to stand up to the aggressive bullying of trans activists. Sex based rights are essential for protecting the dignity and safety of all women.

Thank you again for your email. 

     Very best wishes
        Julie Vivienne


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