A question on sex wards in Dorset Hospitals
A Female resident has asked a question about single sex spaces at the University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust University Hospitals Dorset Annual Members' Meeting 2023 Her question is summarised incoherently and the response is even worse. Why can’t we get straight answers? Please see for yourself at 45:00 https://youtu.be/49rOwMfpa9g?si=wRIQ5Zj1DhKena0g&t=2698 Here is the question which was submitted to the meeting in full: Dear Rob Whiteman, Chair of UHD Trust In light of the recent comments from Rishi Sunak and Steve Barclay telling NHS Trusts to protect women's access to female only hospital wards (please see linked articles):- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12406919/Rishi-Sunak-tells-NHS-trusts-protect-womens-privacy-guidance-revealed- says-patients-temporarily-identify-women-share-female-hospital-wards.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12402885/Trans-group-Stonewall-helps-write-gender-policies-30-NHS-trusts-prompting: fury.html Can the C...