
Question Submitted to Dorset Council - People and Health Scrutiny Committee - 6th February 2025

Women of Dorset recently asked the following question at Dorset Council People and Health Scrutiny Committee:-  In light of data from NHS England indicating that Dorset ICB has the highest child referral rate (per 1000 head) to NHS child gender clinics, can Clare Sutton, and Sunita Khattra-Hall assure the committee that all Dorset Council/PDSCP/DSCP resources and training have been reviewed, updated and aligned with the findings of the CASS review, KCSIE statutory guidance and the government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations made. The meeting, question and response can be viewed from 11.05 to 13.56 Our supporting email was as follows: We were very concerned that Dorset Council had relaunched a training course, which was subject to our ICO appeal in 2024.  The concern is that Dorset Council made an active decsision to relaunch the course knowing that parents cannot view or attend the course/contents and are hiding ...

Complaint Submitted to Ofsted 24th November 2022

  Complaint submitted to Ofsted by Women of Dorset on 24th November 2022, along with the response from Ofsted.

Letter to Chair and CEO of SWALSS (South and West Assoc. of Leaders in Special Schools) 3rd March 2024

Women of Dorset contacted the Chair and CEO of the South West Association of Leaders of Special Schools on 3rd March 2024.  A copy of the letter is below.   As a result of the letter, SWALSS later confirmed via email 'to ensure that their schools received a balanced range of information, they had decided to change their speakers at their March conference to a law firm'.

Letter to a Dorset Primary School Flying a Progress Pride Flag 29th October 2024

Women of Dorset wrote to a Dorset Primary School regarding their flying of a Progress Pride flag at the school on 29th October 2024.  A copy of the letter is below. The flag was subsequently removed.

Pan Dorset Childrens Safeguarding Partnership - The Cass Review and Transgender Trend Reports

Following publication of the Cass Review and the Transgender Trend Report - The Ideological Capture of Dorset - Nowhere To Turn we contacted the Pan Dorset Childrens Safeguarding Partnership and requested that the reports be discussed at their next meeting (25th April 2024). We never received a response from the Partnership but recently noticed via their Minutes  (Item 7) that they did discuss the reports. An action from those Minutes is that NHS Dorset provides a response to the Cass Review. Everyone involved in strategic safeguarding in Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole is now aware of the Cass and Transgender Trend Reports. We await the response from NHSDorset

Independent Report - Review of suicides and gender dysphoria at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust: Independent Report

By Professor Louis Appleby, University of Manchester Department of Health and Social Care adviser on suicide prevention Aim of this review I have reviewed data provided by NHS England ( NHSE ) on suicides by young patients of the gender services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, based on an audit at the trust. The specific aim is to examine evidence for a large rise in suicides claimed by campaigners. Summary of conclusions The data do not support the claim that there has been a large rise in suicide in young gender dysphoria patients at the Tavistock. The way that this issue has been discussed on social media has been insensitive, distressing and dangerous, and goes against guidance on safe reporting of suicide. The claims that have been placed in the public domain do not meet basic standards for statistical evidence. There is a need to move away from the perception that puberty-blocking drugs are the main marker of non-judgemental acceptance in this area of health ca...

Charity Commission Response to a Complaint Raised Against Space Youth Project, Dorset - May 2024

On 18th May, 2024 Space Youth Project, funded by both Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council publicised on Instagram and Facebook that a demonstration would be held the following day, against the Cass Review.     Women of Dorset were so concerned that a publicly funded organisation had published and encourged  vulnerable children, young people, parents and carers to protest against the recommendations of the Cass Review that they contacted the Charity Commission with their concerns.   Women of Dorset believed that Space Youth Project was not acting in accordance with the updated NHS Guidelines, in relation to issues of gender identity and gender dysphoria. Below is the Charity Commission response.  Highlighted is the outcome from the Commissioners who would be contacting the Trustees of Space Youth Project with advice and guidance, ensuring that they had regard to the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Cass Review ...